The Wonderful World of the Shruti Box: A Simple Guide - OLD INDIAN CRAFTS

The Wonderful World of the Shruti Box: A Simple Guide

The Wonderful World of the Shruti Box: What is Shruti Box


Have you ever wondered about the magical sounds you hear in Indian music and meditation? One key ingredient in creating these enchanting tunes is an instrument called the Shruti Box. In this blog post, we're going to explore what a Shruti Box is, where it comes from, how it's made, and how it's used in music and meditation.
What's a Shruti Box?

A Shruti Box is a musical instrument from India. It doesn't play melodies or songs like a guitar or piano. Instead, it makes a constant, soothing sound that musicians and meditators use as a reference or guide for their music or practice.

Where Does it Come From?

The Shruti Box has a very old history in India. People have been using it for a very long time to help with their music and meditation. The word "Shruti" means musical notes or sounds in the Sanskrit language. So, the Shruti Box gets its name because it helps musicians stay in tune and keep the right notes.

How Does it Work?

A Shruti Box is usually a wooden box with two sets of reeds inside. Reeds are like tiny pipes that make sound when air passes through them. One set of reeds makes the main note, and the other set makes harmonious sounds. To make it work, you squeeze and release a part of the box called the bellows. This pushes air through the reeds, creating a continuous sound, like a gentle, steady hum.

Different Shruti Boxes come in various sizes and tunings, which means they can produce different pitches and sounds. Some Shruti Boxes are traditional and need someone to operate them by hand, while others have electronic parts to help make the sound steady and smooth.

How Do Musicians Use it?

In Indian classical music, the Shruti Box is like a musical buddy for musicians. They use it to make sure they're playing or singing in tune. It gives them a constant sound to follow, like a musical compass. This helps them create beautiful melodies and rhythms.

Musicians also use the Shruti Box to practice and train their ears to hear the right notes. It's like having a musical mentor that's always ready to help.

Beyond Music: Meditation and Yoga

The soothing sound of the Shruti Box isn't just for music—it's also great for meditation and yoga. When you listen to the Shruti Box during these activities, it helps you relax and focus. It's like a calm, steady friend that helps you find your inner peace.

Yoga instructors might use the Shruti Box in their classes to create a peaceful atmosphere and help their students feel more centered and mindful during their practice.


The Shruti Box is a unique and wonderful instrument that adds magic to Indian music and peacefulness to meditation and yoga. It's like a musical friend that guides musicians and helps people find their inner calm. As we learn more about music and meditation, let's not forget the special role played by this simple yet powerful instrument—the Shruti Box.
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