Our Story

A Legacy of Harmony: Three Generations Crafting Music

The melody of a harmonium's notes, the rhythmic drone of a shrutibox - these are sounds that have resonated through our family for over five decades. In 1970, my grandfather, Late Shree Pyare Lal, embarked on a journey that would not only shape our lives but also enrich the lives of countless musicians across the globe.

Driven by a deep passion for music and a meticulous eye for detail, Pyare Lal dedicated himself to the art of crafting these instruments. He honed his skills at BINA Enterprises in Delhi, diligently absorbing the wisdom of experienced artisans. After years of apprenticeship, he felt the irresistible urge to create his own legacy. In 1981, his dream took shape with the establishment of our workshop.

As Pyare Lal poured his heart and soul into each instrument, his creations gained a reputation for their exceptional quality and captivating sound. Soon, the demand for his Harmoniums and Shrutiboxes began to outgrow the walls of our workshop. In 1996, my father, Pradeep Kumar, stepped in to manage the growing business. He expanded our reach, supplying our instruments to various markets across India, further solidifying our position as a trusted name in the music industry.

The year 2021 marked a turning point in our journey. As the third generation, I, Vikas, joined the family business, eager to contribute to the legacy built by my grandfather and nurtured by my father. However, my vision extended beyond our borders. I saw an opportunity to share the magic of our instruments with a global audience. With a combination of youthful zeal and inherited expertise, I embarked on the journey of exporting our instruments to different countries.

Today, our instruments resonate in the hands of talented musicians across the world, from the classical halls of Europe to the vibrant music scenes of Asia. Each note carries within it the legacy of three generations, a testament to our unwavering commitment to quality and our passion for preserving the rich heritage of Indian music.

As we move forward, we remain true to the values instilled by my grandfather. We continue to handcraft each instrument with meticulous care, ensuring that every note resonates with the same warmth and passion that has defined our family for generations. We believe that music is a universal language, and we are committed to sharing the gift of harmony with the world, one instrument at a time.